
So here’s what happened.

About a decade ago, I registered Foodisima.com, intending it to be a food blog. Not long after, I got tricked into starting a catering company (it’s a long story) and since I already had the domain name, I used it for that, instead. But I’m a writer first of all. And it happens I love food: it’s preparation, sharing and consumption. And the food blog/magazine idea never really went away.

And so here I am.

About me

I am an author, journalist and photographer who, as it happens, has done more than my share of professional cheffing. I travel a lot and when I travel I shop at fun markets and cook at friend’s houses and just generally play with food as much as I can. In my professional life, I am Linda L. Richards and my web site is here.

But here? We’re going to have some adventures and some fun and just see where it leads us.

Though I’m not vegan, I’m deeply interested in that style of cooking and I love making a lot out of nothing at all. Also, as a journalist, I’m interested in news as it relates to food, so when something catches my eye, I’ll share that with you, too.

Feel like reaching out? You can e-mail me here mailto:linda@foodisima.com.

Thanks for joining me.